Sydney Mobile Massage Prices

call mobile massage Sydneymobile massage Sydney



60 Minutes


90 Minutes


2 X 60 Minutes (Consecutive massage on same day)


Please Note: Any parking fees will need to be added.
Unlike some mobile massage companies, there are generally no surcharges for evening or weekend appointments.

Example Prices Comparing Richard Lane Massage and Blys
(As at August 2024)

The major company providing mobile massage in Sydney is Blys. Whilst they offer a wide range of services and therapists, their prices tend to be significantly higher than independent therapists such as myself. Please use the calculator below to estimate the price difference between myself and Blys. For a full article about a comparision between my prices and that of Blys Massage then please check out this article.
The calculations are estimates and assume that there are no parking surcharges required.

Please call to enquire for services to areas such as
Eastern Suburbs, Sydney CBD, North Sydney, Chatswood, Parramatta, etc.
For information about Sydney hotel massage services then please click here.

Prices for mobile massage in Sydney