Mobile Massage Records

Mobile Massage Records

I’m sure most massage therapists would have “claims to fame” at one stage or another during their massage careers. The following is a list of my mobile massage “records”and “claims to fame” although I suspect some of them would have been bettered by other therapists. Most locations visited to see same client – 6 Most generations massaged within one session – 3 Largest age gap between clients massaged in the same week – 94 (100 yr old and 6 yr…

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The Nocebo Effect

The Nocebo Effect

Most people are aware that there can be a positive effect merely from the power of suggestion, the placebo effect. Studies invariably demonstrate that reduction in pain as the result of an intervention are correlated to the expectation that there will be a reduction in pain as a result of said intervention. If you go to a doctor and you are given medication for pain then the chances are that so long as you believe that the medication will work…

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Is Your Bra Giving You A Headache?

Is Your Bra Giving You A Headache?

One of the most common conditions that we see as massage therapists is tension in the neck and shoulders caused by poor posture. The shoulders are rounded forward which may cause the head to be further forward than ideal. The muscles of the upper back and neck are forced to work hard to compensate and headaches or stiff neck may result. There are any number of reasons why this may occur but a common cause may be an ill fitting…

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Massage – My Pet Dislikes

Massage – My Pet Dislikes

Not that we are biased but receiving massage is wonderful ….. or should be wonderful. However occasionally there are times when the massage therapist is not tuned in to the desires and needs of the massage recipient. Sometimes an hour on the table can seem last an eternity. Fortunately these times are the exception and not the rule. This article lists a few of the things that we don’t particularly enjoy when receiving a massage. 1. When an hour is…

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The Myth that is Massage and Adhesions

The Myth that is Massage and Adhesions

For many years, massage therapists have told their clients to drink more water as it helps flush toxins released by the massage. This always troubled me as it was never clear what “toxins” were being released nor how they were being released. For me, either the “toxins” were normal metabolic waste products that would be removed from the body anyway (with at best massage slightly speeding up the process) or the “toxins” would be chemically bound in the body and…

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Cellulite Massage: Separating Fact from Fiction

Cellulite Massage: Separating Fact from Fiction

Cellulite, the dreaded term that often evokes a sense of frustration among many women, has spurred a multibillion-dollar industry offering creams, wraps, and treatments promising miraculous reduction or elimination. Yet, much of this expenditure leads to disappointment, with scant evidence of efficacy. Scepticism looms over the credibility of research, as many suspect biased funding skewing results in favour of corporate interests rather than scientific integrity. Massage therapists tout their techniques as cellulite solutions, citing studies supporting the efficacy of cellulite…

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Abdominal Massage for Improved Health

Abdominal Massage for Improved Health

Many people who have regular massage have never been offered abdominal massage. Many would never consider having a stomach massage.  It is a personal space that we are not used to having touched. Others who have experienced abdominal massage Sydney would never consider seeing a therapist who didn’t provide the service.  Too not provide tummy massage would be a deal breaker. Many therapists shy away from offering/including abdominal massage as they may not have been trained, they may feel uncomfortable…

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“Unusual Requests”

“Unusual Requests”

The vast majority of the massage bookings I have taken are just from “normal” people after a “normal” massage. Occasionally people will have specific requests such as “will you massage my abdomen” within the session or “do you mind if you spend 1/2 the time working on my feet”. Whilst these may not be the norm there is nothing particularly untoward about such requests. However over the years there have been multiple requests for Sydney mobile massage services that would…

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Benefits of Sports Massage

Benefits of Sports Massage

There are many wild and woolly claims made about the mechanisms whereby massage is good for sports performance. Massage improves circulation, massage flushes lactic acid, massage opens pores and enables nutrients and waste products to pass through, massage can break down scar tissue, massage lengthens muscles. These are all claims that can be found to be made about the benefits of sports massage. It’s fair to say that over the years, I’ve probably made similar claims and used such claims…

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Massage for Levator Scapula

Massage for Levator Scapula

Most massage therapists would probably consider that the levator scapula is one of the more significant muscles of the neck and shoulder complex. Massaging and changing the tone of the levator scapula can resolve the pain and discomfort that many clients feel in the neck. According to Ian Harvey, aka Massage Sloth, around 80-90% of stiff neck or crick in the neck then levator scapula is the main culprit. Also forward head posture leads to the lev scap being in…

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