Mobile Lymphatic Drainage Massage in Sydney
Mobile lymphatic drainage massage therapists in Sydney may be available for massage to your home depending on your location. Please complete the webform at the bottom of the page if you would like to be contacted or receive more information. Please note that I personally do not offer lymphatic drainage Sydney and there are significant areas of Sydney that do not appear to have mobile lymphatic drainage massage near me therapists. This article is primarily for information purposes. The intent of this page is to see if I can direct you towards suitable Sydney or Parramatta lymphatic drainage practitioners who provide a home visit service.
What is the Lymphatic System?
The lymphatic system has a number of different functions but a primary functions is to aid keeping body fluids in balance. The importance of this process cannot be understated as water, proteins, and other substances are constantly leaking out of blood capillaries into the surrounding body tissues. When the lymphatic system is unable to drain excess fluid from the tissues, then lymph fluid can build up. The result is that tissues swell, most often in the limbs.
It should be mentioned that the lymphatic system also helps protect the body against infections.
What is Lymphatic Drainage?
Lymphatic drainage is simply the manual stimulation of the lymphatic system. The objective of manual lymphatic drainage (or MLD) is to facilitate the reduction of the excess fluid to lessen oedema and aid homeostatsis. Lymphatic drainage is generally a relatively light technique. Normally the therapist will apply gentle strokes along with pumps on the skin and around the lymph nodes.

Who can benefit from Lymphatic Drainage?
Generally people who are interested in lymphatic drainage Sydney have had it recommended to them. However there are very few people who would not obtain some benefits from a session. MLD can achieve significant reductions in swelling for those suffering from lymphoedema. The greatest benefits are often obtained when MLD is applied in combination with bandaging and/or compression garments. The risk of fibrosis and fibrotic tissue build up can be reduced.
Others are recommended lymphatic drainage if they are immuno-suppressed or have been infected for extended periods with tropical fevers or glandular fever. MLD can give the immune system a welcome boost
Post Operative Mobile Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Manual lymphatic drainage may also be indicated post cosmetic surgery to reduce swelling and facilitate healing. Typical cosmetic procedures for which MLD is indicated include liposuction, tummy tuck, Brazilian Butt Lift and breast augmentation (some therapists may be permitted to perform breast massage in this situation). Your surgeon will be able to guide you as to how soon after your operation you should consider booking in for lymphatic drainage session(s). Typically the best results are achieved when treatment begins as soon as is safe to do so.
Also recovery from many orthopedic surgeries may benefit from post-operative MLD sessions. Such surgeries include hip/knee joint procedures, some back operations and also Laparoscopic surgeries. Please consult your orthopedic surgeon to discuss whether MLD is appropriate for your particular circumstances.
As mentioned above I do not offer Lymphatic Drainage Massage in Sydney or Parramatta. If you would like me to put you in touch with a suitable therapist who may offer mobile lymphatic drainage massage near me then please complete the form or give me a call on 0434 631 987. If you complete the form then please include your suburb as the availability of therapists I can recommend will depend on where you live.
Also if you are a therapist who has trained in MLD (preferably Dr Vodder, Casley Smith or the Chikly Health Institute and can provide a mobile lymphatic drainage massage in Sydney, then please contact me on 0434 631 987. Or if you prefer, complete the form below and I can contact you directly.