Frequently asked questions mobile massage therapists get asked
As a mobile massage therapist in Sydney there are a few “standard” or questions that I am frequently asked by clients. Some of these are relevant for clinic based therapists whereas as some are mobile therapist specific.
Don’t your hands hurt?
No generally not, for a couple of reasons. Firstly as a therapist good body mechanics are crucial if you want to have longevity in your career so you use other massage “tools” (such as forearms, knuckles, etc) so that you are not overusing your hands and thumbs. Secondly as a mobile therapist, I generally don’t do more than 2 massages in a row so when compared with a clinic based therapist then I’m always getting a regular break.
How many massages do you do a week?
I’m happy with about 20 massages a week which equates to about 3 a day. For each hour of massage then there is an hour of other tasks such as driving, paperwork and laundry so 20/week feels like a full time role for me. Some weeks I might do more, others less but in the long run it balances out.
Who massages you?
I see various different people (but like many clients, I don’t get as many massages as I should….shame on me). I have to admit I do find it hard to relax particularly during a remedial massage as I am too tuned in how the therapist is massaging. I struggle to switch off and go with the flow.
If I just want a relaxation massage then I occasionally go for a Kahuna massage. Because it is not a massage I offer then I find I’m not wondering why the therapist is performing a particular stroke and I can relax more.
Don’t you ever get worried about going to a stranger’s house?
Not worried so much but just mindful of situations and aware of personal security. It’s probably easier for me as a guy in the industry as I know that it can be an issue that female mobile massage therapists struggle with.
You must have come across some strange situations as a mobile massage therapist in Sydney?
I guess it depends on how you define strange. You could argue that the act of inviting a stranger into your home and then taking your clothes off and letting them massage you is strange enough in itself (certainly there are many people who just would not entertain the idea). But as far as I’m concerned I’m being invited into your private space so I am mindful and respectful of this privilege you have placed in me.
But aside from that then yes there are occasions situations arise that are not “normal” for a mobile massage but so long as my personal security and boundaries are not issues then I’m happy just “go with the flow”. These situations can involve such things as massaging in unusual locations (eg in kitchens,in garages,outside etc), other people/children/pets being present and watching the massage or clients being fully undressed while I’m still setting up table.
How do you cope with the traffic?
Sydney’s a strange city. During the week traffic actually flows pretty well unless there is a specific incident and it’s not a problem for me. However, Saturdays are a very different story as journeys can easily take twice as long compared with other days. For me, it’s just a case of allowing extra travel time and not getting too stressed.
But don’t start me on parking – unfortunately some suburbs are virtually no-go zones as acceptable parking close to a potential client’s location is non-existent.